We are here to assist you in getting pregnant with assisted reproductive technology. At Lifeline IVF Center we have a good team of passionate, exclusively devoted physicians striving to resolve various fertility issues. We are at the forefront position in the field of fertility; we can understand your problems and give you the best solution.
What is Donor Egg Treatment?
In this, woman donates her eggs to the different woman to achieve successful pregnancies. Donor egg IVF process increases the chances of a successful pregnancy.
In donor eggs treatment we receive eggs from three origins, i.e., from your family member, the professional egg donor or egg sharing woman. Getting the eggs from the professional donor is much better as it gives a high number of eggs for the in vitro fertilization treatment and it increases high chances of success.
What is the success rate for donor egg treatment?
The success with donor egg program is about 50% per attempt, and it goes 80% after 2nd or 3rd attempt.
Who are the egg donors?
Females in the age group of 23 to 35 years can donate eggs. The donor must fulfil specific physical characteristics like height, weight, hair colour, body type, and blood type, etc. Apart from this, there are some requirements to donate eggs some ethnic background, schooling records, professional, interests, audio interviews, current photos.
What is the procedure for donor selection?
For the selection of the donor, we screen all the egg donors and instruct them about the process of egg donation. We follow specific guidelines set by the association and government before starting an egg donor program.
Who are the candidates for donor egg treatment?
It is useful for treating infertility issues arose due to decreased ovarian function in women having an age of 30 and 40 years.
The eggs are of poor quality and not appropriate to begin a pregnancy.
A woman has passed through menopause.
How to prepare for donor egg treatment?
We start the egg donation process one month before your month of IVF cycle. During this period we prepare your endometrium according to the donor’s period. For the preparation of the endometrium, may require about 2-6 weeks.
What are the steps involved in donor egg treatment?
During the procedure, we stimulate the donor with hormone injection for 10-12 days after egg retrieval. On the same day, we collect the sperm sample from the husband. Then fertilize the egg and the sperms in the IVF lab and then transfer these embryos into the recipient’s uterus after 2-3 of fertilization.
We can manage every step of the donor egg treatment with utmost care and precaution. We ensure you to provide privacy regarding the donor and strive to offer you the best treatment experience.