IMSI Treatment


IMSI Treatment Centre | Lifeline IVF Centre

At Lifeline IVF Center, we recommend IMSI treatment to resolve male infertility problems. We have the best infertility treatment to address the underlying causes of male infertility like low sperm count, poor quality or abnormal morphology. We have the best IMSI IVF success rates.

Intracytoplasmic Morphologically Selected Sperm Injection (IMSI) What It is?

It is the most common laboratory technique used to fertilize eggs when sperm defects are the primary cause of infertility. In this, the doctor uses morphologically selected sperm to insert into the egg. Before insertion, they perform the sorting of sperm and discards the abnormal sperms.

Who is the Right Candidate for IMSI?
  • The process is suitable for the men having an elevated DNA fragmentation issue
  • The person with a high percentage of irregular sperms
  • If the male and female have had frequent miscarriages
  • Those who faced failure with ICSI treatments
  • The woman who has developed poor embryos
How is IMSI Done?
  • Before proceeding to IMSI, we examine the sperm sample for the excellent sperm morphology and motility abnormalities by using digital imaging microscopes. The microscope has superior magnifying power (about 6000x).
  • Then our embryologist selects healthy sperm from the sample, and injects it into the inner part of the egg.
  • Following fertilization, the doctor implants the embryo into the womb of the aspiring mother.
Advantages of IMSI
  • It helps to select the gamete in real time
  • It eliminates the chances of miscarriages occurring due to defective sperms
  • It helps to avoid the damaged sperms with defected head, tail, etc.
If you want to make an appointment with our experts, then please contact immediately.