Third-Party Reproduction Treatment


Third Party Reproduction Treatment | Lifeline IVF Centre

We are here to assist you in conceiving a child with assisted reproductive technology. We have a good team of passionate experts who are devoted exclusively to resolve various fertility issues. We are at the forefront of this field of fertility; we can understand your problems.

What is Third-Party Reproduction?
Third-party reproduction is the process that uses the donor eggs, sperm, or embryos of a third person (donor). These donations allow an infertile woman or man or couple (expected recipient) to become parents. Third-party reproduction may use a gestational carrier, i.e., an individual who carries a pregnancy for an infertile person or couple. These carriers are biologically or genetically not connected to the expectant parent or child.
What is Third-Party Reproduction?
Third-party reproduction is the process that uses the donor eggs, sperm, or embryos of a third person (donor). These donations allow an infertile woman or man or couple (expected recipient) to become parents. Third-party reproduction may use a gestational carrier, i.e., an individual who carries a pregnancy for an infertile person or couple. These carriers are biologically or genetically not connected to the expectant parent or child.
What are the types of 3rd party reproduction?
  • Oocyte donation/ egg donation
    Egg donation is a fertility treatment in which expectant woman receives an egg donated by a younger and fertile woman. In our hospital, we fertilize these eggs with the male partner’s sperm to produce embryos. The subsequent embryos then transfer back into her uterus. We recommend this option for a woman who has fertility concerns like an egg with poor quality, premature menopause, diminished ovarian reserve or if a woman has any genetic diseases. We take eggs from a fresh donor or an egg bank. Egg banks provide previously retrieved frozen and pre-screened eggs. The option holds very high pregnancy rates or high success rates.
  • Sperm Donation
    The method uses sperms donated by a male to help another woman or couple to conceive a child. In this, we inject donated sperm into a woman’s reproductive organs via IUI or fertilize mature eggs in a lab via IVF (in vitro fertilization) process. We suggest this option to either a single woman expecting a baby and have no partner or a married couple where the husband produces impotent sperms. This treatment has high success.
  • Embryo Donation
    In this method, excess embryos of a couple remain after in vitro fertilization is given to another person or couple for implantation purpose with the formal consent. Then the donated embryos are placed into the receiver woman’s uterus to continue pregnancy and childbirth. In this case, the biological mother of a child is the woman who carries and gives birth to a child, and not the donor. Sometimes embryos are created for the recipient couple by taking a donor egg and a donor sperm. Such a fetus does not belong to anybody and is anonymous.
  • Surrogacy
    In this, a woman allows a pregnancy with the intention to carry the fetus until birth and hand over the baby to the person or couple for whom she is serving as a surrogate. This option is suitable for the women with no uterus, T shaped uterus, failure after repeated implantation.
They are of two types

Commercial Surrogacy: 

It is a legal procedure. In which you have to pay surrogates for carrying a child till maturity in her uterus.


In this, surrogates do not get paid for her pregnancy. But all expenses including medical expenses, maternity clothing, and other expenses related to the pregnancy and childbirth are given by the intended parents.

Traditional Surrogacy
In this, a woman uses her eggs and fertilizes them with the intended fathers or donor sperm with artificial insemination. She carries the baby for nine months, delivers that baby and then gives that baby to the parents.
Gestational Surrogacy

In this, a woman carries a baby that uses the egg and sperm of the intended couple or donor. A gestational surrogate mother does not have any genetic connection with the baby.

Our dedicated physicians strive to provide a positive, efficient, and personalized care during the phase of your baby making. We help you in accomplishing your dream to become a parent.